The fundraising event titled “Dragon’s Den” was organised by The British Asian Trust, Coutts, and The Funding Network (TFN).

The event aimed to raise funds for five different charities based in the Indian subcontinent.

The event was well-attended with over 200 guests, including mainstream Asian celebrities such as Nitin Ganatra, Mishal Husain, Radio 1 DJ Nihal, Ritula Shah, Hari Dhillon, and Laila Rouass. Many were ambassadors for The British Asian Trust. The fundraiser was held in the picturesque setting of the Coutts Bank foyer in London.

Each of the celebrities was linked to and pitched on behalf of one of the charities. Guests had the opportunity to ask questions to the charity representative. Once the pitches were complete, they were able to donate to the charity of their choice.

The highlight of the evening was a musical performance by Sonna Rele who presented a song which had lyrics co-written by Radio 1 DJ Nihal.

Over £60,000 was raised for the different charities

More details and photographs can be viewed here: